I just joined a group on Goodreads called 50 Books a Year, and I’m excited about the challenge. I got going late for 2010, so my comparable goal is to read a book a week for the rest of the year. For most people, I’m sure that sounds easy.I used to read that much fiction all the time. My son’s first sentence was “Book down, Mom.”

Then I started writing novels and something had to give. So I read a little less. Eventually my novels got published, so I had to start promoting in addition to writing. So I read a little less. Then I got laid off my job and had to start editing and evaluating fiction manuscripts for a living. Reading for pleasure almost came to a stop.

I tried, but my editor brain wouldn’t shut off. I read too slowly, processed too much information, and it felt too much like work. For a long time, I put down almost every book I started and never picked it up again.

Current Read

Current Read

I’ve been reading a little more lately and loving it.

Making this commitment will help motivate me. I hope to get into a “reading light” mode—no backtracking, no looking to see if the author spells a name consistently, no overanalyzing. I’m just going to read as if I’m on an airplane and my sanity depends on escaping into the book for a few hours.

This will be an enriching experience. Anyone want to join this challenge?

What’s your reading average?And when do you make time for it?

  1. I know I’m not up to a challenge like that. I squeeze reading into every opportunity I can – some months I might read only one or two books and other months, maybe three or four. A lot depends on the book and, of course, my schedule. Good luck!

  2. I’ll join your challenge. Most weeks, I read at least one book. One way I manage is my Kindle–on my iPhone as well, so I can get a few pages in wherever I am (except for workplace, of course.) I can read in the car too–I know lots of people can’t as they get carsick. Thanks for the motivation.

  3. Thank you, Susan, for stopping in and joining me. I hope to post every week about what I’ve read…if I finish the book. I also intend to give myself credit for any book that I read at least half of before giving up.

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