Loving every moment of this conference. Click “Read More” to see some photos.

Making myself laugh while doing a little stand-up at the talent show. I think I surprised some people with the blow job joke.

Gayle Carline and I take turns flirting with the waiter at PF Chang's.

Having breakfast with Ellen Hart and Neil Plakcy at the Sisters in Crime meeting.

Lunch with Barbara DeShong, Tom Shreck and other Echelon authors. (Love the matching black.)
Thank you for sharing the pictures! I’m so sorry to miss B’con this year! 2010 is in my hometown! Very excited!
Ahhhh. Wish I was there. Keep the pictures coming!
Very nice article and right to the point. I am not sure if this is in fact the best place to ask but do you people have any ideea where to get some professional writers? Thanks 🙂