I finished the first draft of my new novel, Secrets to Die For, yesterday. It’s nowhere near ready to go out to anyone, but it’s such a great feeling to have the whole story down on paper. To have a new product to sell. It’s impossible to get the attention of agents or editors without a finished manuscript. And at the moment, I have no freelance work in house. So I have a free day. And it will be a promopalooza! Here’s what I hope to accomplish:

Blog (done)
Update my website (create a page for Secrets to Die For, add more links, etc.)
Update my blog (add links to guest blogs, add a sitemeter, upload book trailer)
Post on all four list serves
Write/send query letters to agents
Send out free copies of The Sex Club to weekly winners and others
Query various blogs about appearing as a guest author or blogger
Update my books on GoodReads (add friends too)
Write and post a book discussion guide to website (this has been on list forever!)
Write and post a note on FB about blogging every day in August
Check out the 50 websites I’ve bookmarked and never got back to
Query people about reading my newly finished manuscript/ask for blurbs
Find a roommate for Bouchercon
Finish reading discussion novel and create list of questions

There’s more, of course, and I won’t get it all done today. But the list never goes away, and eventually, I’ll get to it all. Meanwhile, I’d better get busy.

  1. My list is almost as long. I hate when that happens. But hey, congrats on the day to get it all done and on getting that draft done!

    Go you

    Karen Syed’s Blogapalooza Day #4
    http://www.karensyed.blogspot.com (Setting the Stage for Success)
    Do you read Green? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenRead/

  2. If the ms. isn’t too edgy, I can be a reader for it. Email me at quoe2 at earthlink dot net.


  3. Egads! Glad I didn’t read this one yesterday when I already felt kind of overwhelmed. ha!
    Can I borrow your

    Day Blog Day 5: 10 Tips to Improving your writing!

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