Standalone Vs. Series Fiction

4 responses

  1. Robb Sinn
    June 8, 2013

    I love series, especially ones where each book is a complete story. I enjoyed the end of Robert B. Parker’s career where, each year, I could find a new novel about Spenser, Sunny Randal and Jesse Stone. Once I meet and like a detective, I enjoy seeing them progress as a character. Their love life, their problems at work, their alliances with snitches. Their rivalries. I especially like the stories where earlier cases come back into a new story as a subplot. I tend to have a good memory for stories, especially series I like, and meeting those excellent stories again in future books adds a richness to the tapestry that I find irresistable.


  2. India Drummond
    June 9, 2013

    I write in a different genre (fantasy), but I’ve had the same experiences that you have. Sometimes I think that if I took a standalone and wrote more books with the same characters, I could perhaps build up a following for it, but often, that would feel forced to me.

    Fantasy readers LOVE series. I have to admit, I’m in that camp as a reader too. Once I find characters I love and an author who hits all the right notes for me, I really enjoy the safe familiarity of it and the possibilities of deeper characters and longer arcs than are possible with a single book.


  3. catsongea
    June 14, 2013

    Series are- of course- only good as long as they stay good. When I find authors that I like, I follow them and read every book I can get my hands on. If they don’t publish, I read their blogs until they do publish another book.
    Series do become like familiar friends – good to catch up on what they are up to. But if as a writer you lose interest – then I probably do as well and you are better starting a new series or writing a few stand alone books until someone or something in it strikes your fancy and you want to write more about them.


  4. Vivian Rhodes
    January 6, 2016

    While I enjoy the series books of certain authors (ie Jonathan Kellerman) I enjoy reading psychological suspense and therefore look forward to work by Joy Fielding. I enjoyed Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train, also standalone thrillers. My first published novel, Groomed for Murder was to have been the first in a series but for various reasons that never happened. (It is now being considered as the basis of a TV pilot where, ironically, it would be developed as a series) I have recently completed writing a psychological suspense thriller but I’m finding it difficult to get it accepted – it is a standalone. Even if I chose to self publish it, readers seem to gravitate to series rather than identification with what a favorite author writes. I am hoping that I can build my name recognition by leaning on the fact that a movie which I wrote that aired on Lifetime last year is of a similar genre to the book I’ve just written. Perhaps I can build readership that way. The bottom line is as an author I want to write what I want to write and hopefully I’ll find a readership, even a small one, that can appreciate my stories.


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