Writers as Salespeople

12 responses

  1. Maureen Mullis
    January 14, 2011

    Since I’ve never had a publisher I don’t know if I can really answer your final question. However, from what I’ve heard about payment through publishers it seems to me that working for yourself gives you not only more control but a higher payback for your efforts without having to share the largest percentage with a big business. And that, to me, is a major incentive!


  2. Cathryn Grant
    January 14, 2011

    I’d absolutely work harder if I saw immediate sales data. One of the reasons I chose the indie author route is because I saw that authors with small and large publishers alike were expected to do the bulk of the marketing and sales work. Even though I’m just starting, I love seeing the royalty data even though I’m still in that first six week phase.

    My day job is in high tech and it can be a challenge to motivate the sales force to focus on larger systems with a long sales cycle when they can sell more moderately priced equipment and receive commission in that quarter.


  3. Margaret Lake
    January 14, 2011

    I’ve always been indie but I don’t think I would be very motivated to work hard for a publisher. I would be wondering just what my publisher was doing for me that justified their taking a huge percentage of the list price. If they can’t at least provide up to the minute sales data, they aren’t doing their job.


  4. Marva
    January 14, 2011

    As I mentioned before to you, I think having at least one more or less legitimate publisher gives a writer a foundation of verisimilitude. Of course, my first publisher didn’t provide anything at all, so it soured me on that. Now, I’ve got five self-pubs out, one with a small epress, and four more with another small epress. I’ll have enough books from both self and publisher to make a comparison.

    But since I’m not a salesperson at all, my success rate will most likely be small.

    Some days, I’m all over tweeting, blogging, and all that stuff. Other days, hiding under the covers in bed seems a better use of my time.


  5. Charlotte McClain
    January 14, 2011

    I work with a couple of epubs. One does monthly updates, two are quarterly and the last just sorta forgets to send me updates until I email them and ask. The one that does monthly updates and royalty payments (Lyrical Press) certainly motivates me to promote more as well as sub to them more often.

    I’m sure, even if moment by moment bookkeeping is difficult, monthly updates could be done. There isn’t a crew at Amazon constantly updating figures, it’s all automated. Big publishers just need to figure out how to automate updating across various spreadsheets so that the info can be accessed easily. I know this can be done because when I worked as a circulation manager, I did it. I had spreadsheets linked so that when the circulation data came in all I had to do was input it on one page and it appeared and calculated on the other sheets so that when I had to fill out paperwork I just pulled up the right page and there it was. And I’m a technophobe working with Excel.


  6. ljsellers
    January 14, 2011

    I think it’s doable as well. Traditional publishers need to rethink their business models. Also, if they stopped taking returns from booksellers, their royalty statements and bookkeeping efforts would be so much simpler.


  7. Jon Gibbs
    January 15, 2011

    I suspect the traditional publishing world will change almost beyond recognition over the next ten years, insofar as author’s sales feedback is concerned.


  8. Debbi
    January 19, 2011

    I so agree that traditional publishing needs to substantially rethink its business model. Frankly, I made a conscious decision to become an indie author, in part, because the publishing business seems so screwed up to me.

    I’ve spelled my views on the matter out before: http://midlistlife.wordpress.com/2010/04/03/the-publishing-business-is-fraked/

    Just sayin’. 🙂


  9. Kathryn Craft
    January 21, 2011

    Thanks for such a stimulating post, LJ. Gives us a lot to think about. Written out this way, it seems obvious that authors would be under-motivated! I’ve heard so many say that they have no clue which promotional efforts work, so they keep spraying their efforts all over the place with a machine gun approach. Writing is so time-intensive by itself that authors end up wasting so much time. More info would help everyone work smarter. We’re in the technology age–we should be able to do this!


  10. Bob Mayer
    January 22, 2011

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. I even did an open blog telling Random House I’d pay THEM royalties if they gave me the rights back to some of my books. It’s a Catch-22. They want to hold on to the rights, do nothing to promote the books and I have no incentive to promote any book that hasn’t earned out.
    It’s so much nicer to look at the books I have the rights to and immediately see my Kindle, LSI, PubIt, etc. sales any time. I’ve got tons of incentive to promote and market those books. I’ve got a series called Area 51 and a major film, Super 8, is coming out this year featuring Area 51, yet RH won’t do a thing to use it to promote the books. If I had the rights, it would be a different story. My Atlantis series, which I got back from Berkley, sell more eBooks in one month, than my Area 51 books do in 6 months with RH. The difference is my motivation to market and promote. And I’m the world’s worst salesman. I have to watch Alec Baldwin from GlenGary Glenrose every day to motivate myself not to get the steak knives.


  11. J.M. Griffin
    February 16, 2011

    Initially, I couldn’t get a pub to take me on, so I self-published and made a decent income. Still in search of a traditional publisher, though, I found one and the road has been downhill and filled with pot holes ever since. Yikes! When I received my last 2 payments from my publisher of .34 and $12.00, I thought “This is it! I’m taking my life and my work back!” Thanks to the article you wrote about Amazon, I am now on my way to pubbing my own work again and proud of it. So many authors love to be able to say “I publish with —“, but honestly, it just doesn’t pay the bills. I want to be a well known writer, but I also want to make money from my efforts. I was doing all the work to sell my books and making nothing for those efforts. Now, I will make the majority of the money and am willing to work even harder.


  12. India Drummond
    March 3, 2011

    I think the biggest thing is the flexibility to experiment and see what’s not working. If you, as an indie, want to tweak your description, rework your cover, or play around with price, you can do that. And it doesn’t take too long to see what works.

    My first book is with Lyrical Press. They pay faster than most epubs, but once a book is out there, everything is set in stone: the cover, the advertising material, the price… and I have no say at all.

    I’m willing to work hard, and I’m working hard promoting that book they’re putting out. But at the same time, I’m realistic in my expectations of sales. I can’t change anything about it, so I just have to work my butt off getting the word out and hope all of the big sales components (cover, blurb, and price) are optimal. Now that I know better than to cede control of my work, I won’t be signing those things away anymore.


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