NaNo Inspiration

4 responses

  1. Rachel Brady
    November 6, 2009

    First time NaNo for me, too. Like you, I’m in it to shake my up writing habits and push myself through a draft faster. So far, so good, but the pace is hot for me and it’s only Day 6. I’m learning about myself as a writer. The ideas come faster if I give myself permission to write before the ideas are fully formed. When I know I’m writing pure crap I just smile to myself and push ahead. Write crap now, transform it later. My goal is to get an outline for Book 3. I have rough ideas and hope that by the end of the month I’ll know the ending and all the bridges to cross in between. Then I’ll go back and actually write the book. For me this is a 50,000 word outline, really. Good luck, LJ.


  2. Robin Minnick
    November 6, 2009

    My first time at NaNoWriMo too. Like you, I’m putting in placeholders when I don’t know exact description or details or when I need to research. I did store up a bunch of research and notes already, but I’m focusing on getting the words down. Much of mine right now is dialogue — it’s 5 sisters, expect it — and I’ll have to add description when I do revise. Especially since this involves a road trip through real places. For now I’m plunging ahead with narrative, finding out where it takes me and the sisters as we go.
    I’d been planning this boo9k for a while, so I know the ultimate goal I want my characters to reach. Thanks to NaNoWriMo, the journey is the fun part. ** best part is, as I watch those numbers climb, it keeps luring me back to write more. And since I’m not editing, it’s pure creation.


  3. Jane Kennedy Sutton
    November 6, 2009

    I’m not doing NaNo but I really admire you and the others who are. Your ideas on how you hope to accomplish your writing goals during this month seem like good advice for writing anytime. I’m hope to apply your approach and maybe I’ll be ready for NaNo next year.


  4. Sage Darien
    November 6, 2009

    Another first-timer here. My highest word-goal in the past has been 1,000 words per day, so this is a stretch for me. I’m also not used to being an every day writer. In the past, I’ve written when I felt like writing, which was pretty often, but this is a new challenge for me. As the behavioral scientists say, if you do something for 21 days in a row, you form a habit. I’m hoping when the month is over, I will be in the habit of writing every day and I can use that as a springboard to a more productive life as a writer. I’m also blogging about the process, and that helps keep me focused on the benefits I’ve deriving, which helps when I’m tired and cranky and don’t feel like writing. 🙂

    I wish all of you the best of luck with your projects!


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