Birthday Book Giveaway

18 responses

  1. Marlyn
    July 3, 2010

    What a great idea to give something away on your birthday! I think I’ll do that, too, when my birthday arrives next month.


  2. Nikki
    July 3, 2010

    The best way to stay cheerful is to lose yourself in a good book of course! 🙂


  3. Laura Elizabeth
    July 3, 2010

    Marque Duque” Is the name I am giving you!


  4. Kay
    July 3, 2010

    Well, first of all Happy Birthday! That’s important and thanks so much for offering us the presents. LOL

    I’d like a copy of this book because I’ve got the first two on my Kindle and it will prompt me to get them read. So many books these days and never enough time. Have a great day and a great weekend. Don’t think about the economy – think about those men signing that document all those years ago and how amazed they would be to see what has come from it. 🙂


  5. Carol M
    July 3, 2010

    I’m not sure if my comment went through.


    I love this series! I just had a birthday and didn’t receive any books as gifts. I think I deserve to receive at least one! lol I would love it if it was this one! 🙂


  6. Peg Brantley
    July 3, 2010



  7. Patricia Jones
    July 3, 2010

    Happy Birthday, LJ. May you have many, many more, all better than the previous one.
    I loved both The Sex Club and Secrets To Die For. In stdf there are lose ends regarding both Detective jackson’s personal life–will his girlfriend divorce or go back to her husband, and his health. I can`t wait to get the answers to those questions.


  8. Marilynne Smith
    July 3, 2010

    How to stay cheerful in the current economy? I’m old enough to have lived through several down times. I’d say, don’t be afraid to cut expenses, downsize, do without the extras. On the other side, gather often with your friends and family. Enjoy the free things of life (like free books -grin-), walks in the park, along beaches and country roads. Find the things that make you happy. Most of them don’t cost money.


  9. Marilynne Smith
    July 3, 2010

    My advice to Kay (note above) is don’t wait. LJ writes a terrific book. Don’t leave it sitting unread.


  10. Diane Morton
    July 3, 2010

    Such great talent is great to read
    Your THRILLED TO DEATH is what I need
    The perfect prose, twists and turns
    It’s for your book LJ my heart yearns
    So please consider me along the way
    And last but not least have a Happy Birthday!


  11. Brenda
    July 3, 2010

    Happy Birthday! What a neat thing your birthday book giveaway is. I’m sending you virtual champagne!


  12. Carol Bartram
    July 3, 2010

    Happy Birthday LJ
    I have enjoyed the first two books of this series. Just think I probably wouldn’t have read them had I not met you and wanted to read one of your books. I totally enjoy the books and I am looking forward to the 3rd Detective Jackson case. Take care


  13. Jeanette Hornby
    July 3, 2010

    Happy Birthday LJ. I would love a copy of this book as I have the other two in the series and want to find out how your characters are progressing. Fantasy always helps when things look gloomy but as with everything, there are ups and downs. The struggle is often the catalyst behind every success.
    Have a great year.


  14. Aik
    July 3, 2010

    * birthdays
    I love birthdays! But I only had one birthday party.

    * why you want this book
    This book sounds really awesome! Don’t want to miss it!

    * your best advice for staying cheerful in this down economy
    Spend your money wisely. Write down the things you need to buy, and not buying things when you feel like wanting them. Then, you will have some extra money left. I guess that will make you cheerful. Secondly, think positively, be thankful and grateful. One will always be happy if he/she knows how to be thankful for what he/she has.


  15. Ron Reas
    July 5, 2010

    Looking forward to reading your new book.


  16. Claudia White
    July 5, 2010

    Happy Birthday.


  17. LM Preston
    July 14, 2010

    Happy Birthday!


  18. Anastasia Cassella-Young
    July 19, 2010

    I’d love to see the advanced review copies for your birthday celebration. Does that make me greedy to get gifts on your birthday? Well, maybe huh? We have a reviewing reputation if you ‘d like to receive any more reviews on them. I’d like to see them either way. Love this site. Take care and be well.

    Oh in case of needing a review contact Carol, the Manager of Mind Fog Reviews. You can contact her at [email protected].


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