I’m behind today, so I’m reposting a slightly modified list I put together for a Facebook tag. Here’s 12 random facts about me:

  1. I spent my early childhood in Las Vegas, then the rest in Cave Junction, Oregon. Had my family not moved to Podunk, I would probably be a stripper instead of a writer.
  2. I once rode my bicycle from Eugene to the Grand Canyon, crossing Donner Pass, an elevation of about 10,000 feet. Three straight days of uphill, heart pumping fun.
  3. Every birthday, I ride up a long steep hill just to prove to myself that I still can.
  4. I am addict . . . who no longer indulges in much of anything. I quit drinking December 17, 1989, and I quit smoking cigarettes January 1, 1991. New Year’s resolutions can work.
  5. My favorites foods are grilled ribeye steak and cold watermelon. If had to choose two things to live on forever, they would make the cut.
  6. I go bowling with my three brothers once a week. I never seem to get any better, but I don’t care. It’s fun and I love my brothers.
  7. I worked on a pharmaceutical magazine for almost a decade, so I know a lot about drugs.
  8. I was born in July and love summer! The only time the world seems right to me is when the sky is blue and the air is warm.
  9. It’s hard to chose, but I think my life-long favorite author is Lawrence Sanders. He’s so versatile—police procedurals, futuristic thrillers, and the lovable Archie McNally.
  10. I took a vow at the beginning of 2008 to not buy any clothes, shoes, or purses for the entire year. I broke it only once in October to buy a business/casual jacket for Bouchercon, then didn’t even wear it because the weather was so warm.
  11. I’m always swearing off of something. (See #4) This year it’s diet Dr. Pepper (love it!) I never had a problem with drinking too much of it until they made caffeine-free diet Dr. Pepper, which you drink right up until bedtime.
  12. My goal for the end of 2010 is to have four books on the market (and two more in production): The Sex Club, Secrets to Die For, Thrilled to Death, and The Baby Thief.
  1. I wrote the first draft of chapter one of Chasing Smoke in Cave Junction. I was sitting at a picnic table outside a Dairy Queen, (well, not a Dairy Queen but that kind of place, can’t remember the name), eating lunch before continuing on to a weekend at Oregon Caves.

  2. It probably was the Dairy Queen. I worked there when I was in high school!

  3. Maybe it was. For some reason, I remember a blue sign, but I could be merging memories. I’m pretty addled right now. But I do know it happened in Cave Junction because I made a note of it in the original file.

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