keyboard-smallAn editing job I completed recently for a satisfied client (and a layoff ☺) made me rethink my approach. Essentially, I’ve cut my rate in half with the idea that most writers can’t afford an extensive service—they simply want to catch all the typos, misused words, and inconsistencies before they submit anywhere.

If your manuscript is in standard Word format (double-spaced, 12-point font), I’m offering copy editing at these rates:

  • $1.25 a page for paper edits
  • $1.75 a page for track change edits

If you plan to self-publish and your story is laid out in some other format than double-spaced, 12-point font, I’ll copy edit it for a flat rate of $400.

I now offer content analysis as a separate service (with copy editing). The analysis is based on a form I use to complete manuscript evaluations for a publisher. These are my rates:

  • $50 for manuscripts under 50,000 words
  • $75 for manuscripts 50,000–75,000 words
  • $100 for manuscripts over 75,000 words

Author testimonials are available on my Editing Service page, and you can download a PDF to share with your writing group.

Let me know what you think.


  1. Sounds like a very good deal!

  2. A bit late in the game, L.J. – meaning my response, certainly not your recent changes in editing fees – but those are terrific prices! Thanks for being sensitive to the changes. I’m so sorry you’re feeling the crunch of the economy in so many ways. 🙁

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