To Serial… or Not?

9 responses

  1. Peg Brantley
    January 12, 2013

    I’m afraid I’d have to keep going back and reading the earlier bits to remember what was going on.

    But what do I know?


  2. Marilyn Anderson
    January 12, 2013

    Whenever I see “free chapterrs” floating in computerdom I won’t read them because more than likely I won’t keep up with the pace of when they’re released and just consider them spoilers of the real thing. I want to read the whole book at one time. Your detective jackson series is one those books — don’t want to read it in dribs and drabs. Just my honest opinion. I hate to wait until 2014 to read the next one but if that’s what it takes to get the entire book at one shot then that’s what I will have to wait for! Keep writing — you have a real gift. Best wishes for your continued success. Marilyn Anderson


  3. Paul Levine
    January 14, 2013

    Serializing is a bad idea. You’ve pointed out all the reasons why, and I agree with every one.



  4. Robert
    January 15, 2013

    With Mr. Levine, you’ve pointed out the reasons not to and I agree. As a lover of the Detective Jackson series (so much so that I constantly try and get “new e-readers” to subscribe to you as the queen), I would absolutely hate if you do this. There is another author that does similar stories and I’m always confused about what I’m getting, a book, a story, ya never know. It’s getting so cumbersome to “filter” through the junk that it’s becoming no longer worth it. That author is about to lose me as a fan. Please don’t do that. I love reading your books whole!!! Thanks for listening to the readers and not the editors.


  5. LJ Sellers
    January 15, 2013

    Thank you for the feedback. Including the email I received on the subject, I’ve decided against the serial. Maybe if Jackson #7 sells well enough, they’ll find a way to squeeze #8 into the schedule this year. 🙂


    • Connie Samuel
      March 25, 2013

      waiting impatiently for Jackson #8. wouldn’t get the serial version so have to wait. excellent books. just found them when rules of crime was a kindle daily deal got the rest and am reading liars, cheaters and thieves


  6. Bob Dumon
    January 20, 2013

    I’m a fairly new reader of your work, so for whatever they’re worth here are my thoughts on this. I would probably NOT read a book that was “serialized.” I don’t like short stories or “partial” books. I want to read a book when I want to read it, not on someone else’s schedule. So I’d either wait for the entire book, or move on to another author. Either way, whatever you do, good luck. JMHO….


  7. Carol
    February 16, 2013

    I would not like the serial- I love your books and want to read the entire thing at once! I live in Eugene and your books really come to life for me!


  8. Pippa
    March 21, 2013

    Hi, I have just finished reading all of your books including ‘Rules Of Crime’, they are all totaly amazing. I happened across them when I was playing with my new Kindle, bought the first Detective Jackson book for 99p and like Kera, fell in love with Wade Jackson. I wouldn’t like to read in ‘snippets’, (although, my busy lifestyle sometimes means I have to…) but I can’t wait until #8 is released.


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