Writers have always exchanged high-praise blurbs with each other (with the most famous example being the writer who blurbed himself using one of his pseudonyms). But lately I’ve been exploring other types of promotional swaps that are less direct, but also effective. For example, a group of us who have been networking through a Yahoo group recently paired off to post articles about each other on Wikipedia. (You can’t post about yourself.) Our new listings on Wiki will help all of us rank higher in web engine searches.
Another writer I know just pitched me to do a story about her and her new memoir for a newspaper supplement I write for. If I get it approved, I’ll happily write the story; she’s a great subject. Then I pitched her back with the suggestion she write a profile about me for an alumni magazine of the university we both attended. If all goes according to plan, we’ll both be featured in the media soon and have another byline as well—and readers of both publications will be treated to great articles.

Melissa Hart and I brave the cold to sell books and stratigize about promotion.
I’ve also recently used a recommendation from another mystery writer when I queried Audible about producing my series as an audio book. All of this is such a no-brainer, I’m surprised it took me so long to arrive at this strategy. I’m sure other authors have been doing this as a matter of course.
Any other great suggestions for how writers can benefit each other?
Great idea. I do get other writers to first READ then review my books.
I just found audible.com when somebody mentioned free audio of Ringworld by Larry Niven. Now, when do I find time to listen!?!?!
I immediately suggested my two books for audio. Tales of a Texas Boy already has a couple of the stories on audio files. They read very well if somebody can get that Texas twang down. I think I read them well myself, but I’m not qualified to comment.
Hey! Anybody want to feature me in the RG or Old Oregon, I’m available.
Marva Dasef
Great idea! I’m always looking for new ways to promote.
I don’t have any other ideas, but I do think an author writing a blurb under his pseudonym is really funny. I’m now thinking I need a pseudonym.
L.J., just wanted to mention that mystery writers on your blog might want to submit a few recipes for a cookbook I’m compliling called Killer Recipes. Each family recipe will have the author’s name, book titles and web sites underneath. Free and fun promotion and plenty of great recipes. Just be sure the recipes are yours, not from another cookbook or other published work.
Heh, that shit is way too funny. I have to share it.