Find a Better Day Job

4 responses

  1. Helen Ginger
    September 9, 2008

    That’s good advice. And you are a good example. You chose a day job that contributed to your growth as a writer, as well as took advantage of your expertise.

    Thanks for the push.


  2. zhadi
    September 10, 2008

    Excellent advice! And it resonated with me VERY much as I’m burned out on my day job…which is more hostess/maid than anything else these days…


  3. L.J. Sellers
    September 11, 2008

    I wish I could get my husband to take this to heart.


  4. Denise Meinstad
    September 14, 2008

    For me, it’s just the opposite. I’ve had some jobs that paid well, but took so much out of me that I had neither energy nor time for writing. Such is the case with my present job, but I only have two more weeks before my contract expires and I’m counting down the days! I find that the simpler the job, the easier it is for me to leave it behind at the end of the day and clear my head for writing.


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